What To Do About Daycares & Containers


"How do I talk to my daycare about my comfort level regarding container use?”


Answer: This is a complex situation for sure, mostly because there are obviously times with that many children, they may be a necessity! That being said, there ARE daycares that are container-free if that’s something you feel strongly about, so know that that may be a potential option! 

Otherwise, my recommendation would be to have as honest of a conversation as you can! Set the expectation that you’d prefer it not be for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time, that you’d prefer floor time be the priority whenever possible, AND I think it’s absolutely fair to say, “these are the ones I’m okay with being used, and these are the ones I’d prefer you don’t use!”

All in all, I think so much of this conversation comes down to presentation! I’ve never met a daycare provider that isn’t willing to accommodate those things (or is doing them anyway!), so just having an honest, respectful convo is absolutely where I’d start!

Hope that helps! 


For developmental questions, tips and guidance related to milestones about tummy time, rolling & sitting, crawling and walking, check out KC’s developmental Masterclasses linked here.


KC is a pediatric doctor of physical therapy, wife and mom of three! She has spent her career working with children and young adults of all ability levels, and currently specializes in birth to three years.

Dr. KC Rickerd, Pediatric Physical Therapist, PT DPT

KC is a pediatric doctor of physical therapy, wife and mom of three! She has spent her career working with children and young adults of all ability levels, and currently specializes in birth to three years.


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