Inside the guides below, you will find A LOT of options for all different categories of spring & summer shoes for your littles. While these lists are NOT all inclusive, they do include many of my absolute favorite and most trusted brands as a pediatric physical therapist AND as a mom of 3, using many of these on my own little ones! 

Below the guides, you will see links to informational blogs and Instagram posts that cover everything from what to look for in shoes for your little ones, how and when to introduce them, what to look for in socks, hand me downs, and so much more! 

I truly hope this helps, and as always, THANK YOU for your support if you choose to shop through our links. It means the world to our small business and family! 

Nice to meet you

My name is KC, I'm a pediatric physical therapist specializing in the evaluation and treatment of babies 0-3 years with a wide variety of diagnosis and abilities. More importantly, I am a wife, and a momma to three little ones!

From personal experience as both a mom and pediatric physical therapist, I know how overwhelming it can feel to try to figure out what shoes to get for our little ones - everything from what will best support their foot development, to finding the right fit, price point & characteristics, can just be SO much. Which is exactly why I’ve compiled these shoe guides and lots of shoe related information for you! My hope with these resources is to educate & empower you, and provide you with the tools to understand what to expect with your child's development and how to best support it in a way that works for YOUR family. I hope it helps!

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