Confidently understand & support your child’s development and motor milestones.
I give parents the support they deserve to feel confident in guiding their child through their unique journey of motor milestones.
So much changes for your baby (& you!) in the first three years of their life.
The amount of learning & development that happens is incredible, but there’s bound to be a hiccup every once in a while when it comes to motor development. That’s where my passion for pediatric physical therapy, educating & empowering children & their families comes in!
If you’re finding yourself comparing, worrying, or googling about all things child motor development, but instead you are ready to feel empowered and confident in understanding and supporting your child’s development and gross motor milestones, you’re in the right place!
help your baby meet their developmental milestones with ease
It is my honor to have supported thousands of families wondering things like:
How do I start tummy time?
What do I do if my baby hates tummy time?
When should my baby be able to roll or sit?
Does crawling REALLY matter?
Should my baby be walking by their first birthday?
& so much more.

Meet KC
Hi all, I'm so glad you're here! My name is KC, I'm a pediatric physical therapist specializing in the evaluation and treatment of babies 0-3 years with a wide variety of diagnosis and abilities. More importantly, I am a wife, and a momma to three little ones!
I am the founder of Milestones & Motherhood & Journey Through Milestones Physical Therapy, and I created this space for parents and caregivers after realizing more and more how hard it was for new parents to find information on motor development, what to expect at each stage, and how to help encourage mastery of skills in one, cohesive place.
I know from personal experience that milestones and comparison can be such a huge source of stress and worry for new parents, and my hope with these resources is to educate & empower you, and provide you with the tools to understand what to expect with your child's development, help you worry less, and overall ENJOY your baby, instead of stressing.
our mission
Our mission is to empower parents & caregivers so they can be confident in navigating their child's gross motor development during the first 3 years of their life.
Feel confident in understanding your child’s motor development, what to expect, when to expect it, and how to best support them at EVERY STAGE.
The next time you are navigating a new skill, or are feeling the comparison creeping in… feel empowered and excited about YOUR CHILD’S MOTOR DEVELOPMENT.
Consider me your new best friend with physical therapy perks. You’ve got this, and I’ll be by your side every step of the way!
Our resources, online community & myself are here for you in hopes of making your life easier, problem solving with you, connecting about all the real life motherhood journey moments and more than anything, EMPOWERING YOU to support your child’s motor development in a way you feel GREAT about.
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