Why Is My Baby Doing The Downward Dog Position?!
"My baby isn’t crawling yet, but will stop and stick their bottom into the air with hands and feet on the floor, why?!”
”My baby is already walking but will stop and put their hands and head on the floor and stare between their legs, like in a downward dog position. Is this normal?!"
Variations of these are VERY common questions I get related to little one’s all of a sudden starting to do the downward dog position while playing (hands and feet on the floor and bottom lifted into the air), but did you know even though it’s kind of strange, it’s actually GOOD for development AND happening for a reason!! Let’s talk about it!
The Downward Dog Position is actually GOOD for Development & Happening for a Reason!!
First - let’s get this out of the way...YES, there is absolutely an Old Wive’s Tale that says when baby starts doing this, it’s because they’re “looking” Between their legs for a new sibling that is coming, aka Mom is either already pregnant or will be soon. And while this obviously isn’t ALWAYS true, I will say - the times I’ve shared that in the past I’ve gotten SO many messages of people saying it was true for them! So….be warned, LOL!
But, what does a baby doing downward dog mean?
Let’s talk about the developmental reasons you may be seeing this position with your little one and what it really means….
Oftentimes, we see this at a few different key points in development - prepping for crawling, pre-walking/early walking, and toddlerhood, let’s break down each quickly.
Downward Dog- When working towards crawling on hands and knees (prepping for crawling):
At this stage, the purpose of that downward dog position is actually to help integrate reflexes - most specifically, one called the Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR). The STNR reflex is important for many aspects of crawling development, but most notably, aids in the ability to separate and coordinate the upper and lower halves of the body, get into and hold a hands and knees position, posture development, hand eye coordination, and balance.
There are two movement patterns related to the STNR reflex; flexion and extension. During the time when your child is integrating this reflex, you will notice while on their belly OR on hands and knees:
When their head is flexed/looking DOWNWARD their ARMS will BEND and the LEGS will STRAIGHTEN (similar to that downward dog position with elbows slightly bent).
In contrast, when their head is extended/looking UPWARD, the ARMS STRAIGHTEN and the LEGS BEND (ie: the hands and knees crawling position!).
From here, baby will often begin to rock on hands and knees, which in combination with that downward dog position is what works to integrate the STNR and ultimately allow baby to take off crawling!
Pretty amazing, right?!
Downward Dog- When working on walking (pre-walkers) or in early walkers:
We often see that downward dog come back in pre-walkers and/or early walkers. Here’s why!
Once little one is standing and beginning to progress through upright skills towards independent walking, one of the biggest things they need to be able to do is be able to rise into and out of standing AND balance in standing without hand support.
As they are learning to rise and balance with less hand support, the downward dog position allows them to NOT ONLY continue that coordination between the upper and lower halves of their body mentioned above as well as continue integrating that STNR to aid in posture and balance development, but it also allows them to use their hands on a slightly elevated surface and/or by pushing gently on their legs to rise into standing!
Both the full integration of the STNR AND the ability to rise into a standing position should be occurring by 12 months of age, so again, seeing that downward dog position around this stage is totally okay AND a good sign they’re working through it all and figuring out their bodies AND their motor skill development!
Added bonus - that downward dog position is GREAT for strengthening arms, shoulders, and getting really nice weight bearing through their hands which helps with arch development, fine motor skill development, hand strength and MORE!
Downward Dog- Fully walking and headed towards toddlerhood:
Lastly, what about one they’re fully walking and headed towards toddlerhood and you start to see that downward dog?!
Honestly, this one is mostly about body schema development - they’re learning so much about where their body is in space, how their body relates to things within their environment as they move, learning what it’s like to move in a more complex way against gravity, PLUS they’re getting that same strengthening through the arms, weight bearing & strengthening through the hands, AND getting some sillies out while exploring their body!
Beyond that, and in my opinion one of the most important benefits to that downward dog position, is its role in activating the vestibular system in the inner ear. When we are head down and the sensory/vestibular systems are stimulated, it can have an immense calming and regulating effect - and while they may not realize WHY they’re doing it, I can assure you, they’re feeling the benefits!
All in all, while you may want to consider a pregnancy test (kidding! But not really, LOL!), I truly believe as long as little ones are hitting milestones & enjoying themselves, it’s not only NOT a concern to see that downward dog position, but the vast majority of the time it’s absolutely NORMAL AND happening for a reason that benefits their development.
So, downward dog on, little ones!
Looking For Milestone Support?
For SO much MORE Crawling Or Walking Support - be sure to check out our Mastering Crawling & Mastering Walking Classes & join the thousands of families that have mastered their milestones while having fun, connecting, and supporting their little one’s unique journey through milestones!
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